This Patient Portal is provided by St. Rose Pediatrics for the exclusive use of its patients and authorized parents, legal guardians, and other caregivers.
If you believe your account security has been compromised, please notify us immediately so we can reset your credentials. New patients will be assigned a temporary password at their first office visit.
By logging in, you attest that you are a member of one of the groups above and will use any confidential medical information disclosed to you only for its intended purposes. Any other use is strictly forbidden.

Please call (702) 564-8556 

if you have any questions.


  • New Patient Packet (Print, complete and present upon arrival) CLICK HERE 

  • Update Patient Packet
    (use this to add/change address, phone number, or health insurance) CLICK HERE 

  • Authorization to Release Medical Information CLICK HERE 

    Frequently Asked Prenatal Questions CLICK HERE